Friday, August 10, 2012

At the Clothesline

I think laundry is one of the best jobs on the farm.  Cold and rainy?  Work inside.  Warm and sunny?  Work outside.  Although I am sometimes guilty of using the dryer when I am in a hurry, I use the clothesline whenever I have time.

My favorite laundry task is hanging wet sheets on the line.  A dozen or more sheets on several rows of a long clothesline creates a cool, damp tunnel.  Maybe the breeze blows them against your skin as you walk between.  Sometimes I put on a flowing dress and do laundry barefoot.  Summer grass feels good on the feet, and a skirt that billows in the breeze connects the body to the wind.  Here I am, asking the elements of nature for their help in completing a task, and they provide.  Earth is nice like that. 

Our laundry line is in an area heavy with foot traffic.  Sometimes I chat with people walking by, and sometimes I can snag someone to hang out for a while.

the ever-wonderul Wren