Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Craft Outside Today!

You there, reading.  Find a window and look outside.  What do you see?  Is it sunny?  Cloudy?  Raining?  Snowing?  When is the last time you checked out the progress of the seasons?

I've been doing a lot of Inside Things lately, and I almost missed the blooming of my pet rose!  It's called Don Juan, and it blooms dark red with a very sweet fragrance.  Back when I was fourteen I read Robin McKinley's Beauty and suddenly had to grow roses.  Because I only live here on and off, I am not always around at pruning time.   My dad has managed to keep this one alive, thank goodness.

There's a Christian legend that goes along with the Dogwood, but I prefer to see the four compass points here.  A beautiful tree in the spring!

I didn't realize these were blooming until today!  That's what I get for staying inside all day.  Last year I not only worked outside, but I was able to bike to work.  Even the rainy days were beautiful.

The one thing I missed last year were the trees.  Now I have them.  I feel sheltered and grounded again.

We just had a brief, sunny thunderstorm.  Back outside to work on the afghan!

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