Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I have to admit I haven't given more than a few seconds of thought to my blog over the past week.  It just hasn't been compatible with my transition to a new home.  However, I have received many welcome words and hugs here, and even many compliments on my One Dress!  I was apprehensive on moving day, but then I saw many people in colorful hippie skirts, and I felt relieved.  I continued and continue still to be a little afraid of how my dress is received, day by day, but I have noticed several people wearing the same memorable clothes day after day, and I suppose what I am doing isn't odd at all!  I even harvested broccoli while discussing my garden-mate's former performance piece; She once wore the same outfit for a month, with no alternate outfits and no laundering.  Radical!

In the interest of, let's say, partical disclosure, I didn't just move to any old suburb.  I've actually taken up with a wonderful intentional community.  One could skip description and call it a farm full of hippies, and while that doesn't do justice to the whole, that would be a good three-second designation.  So I am really blessed to be in an environment that is supportive of non-mainstream choices.  I don't know if it would be harder if I had a "normal" job and daily schedule.  Am I almost cheating by doing ODP in such a tolerant environment?  What about the woman who didn't wash her outfit all month: Does that fact that she was in college at the time make her experiment less worthy of praise than it would be otherwise?  Not that "praise" is the word I am looking for.

Ack!  This is actually Day 19!  This is sort of unbelievable.  And it's like there's almost nothing to say about wearing the same dress every day for two weeks.  Maybe it's because I backpacked for eight months with the same clothes, but then that wasn't in "civilization."  Maybe it's because it's not a big deal.  It's culturally abnormal in the West, but what does that mean?  It's not unsanitary.  It's not impractical.  It's just not what we're used to in the twenty-first century.  The only real problem I can think of is the fear of social censure, and some people will sensibly ask if they really want to work or play with people who would punish or ostracize them based on the number of outfits they wear.  But the fear seems bigger than the reality.

I am itching to play with my clothes again.  Nevertheless, ODP is working out pretty well for me.
Standing in my new room!

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