Monday, May 30, 2011

Plaid Tunic Dress, Part I

Draping the uncut fabric on me to see what
the dress will look like.

I'm not really sure what to call this dress.  It's a true T-tunic in layout, but it's certainly not medieval.  If you aren't sure what a T-tunic is, it is a garment cut on doubled fabric in the shape of a captial T, which approximates the human form.  That is, the stem of the T covers your body, and the cross-bar of the T covers your arms.  You sew front to back together along the sides and cut a hole for your head.  Simple!  And I'm a simple gal when it comes to style.  It's not quite done; have to add some buttons and ties for fit options, but we're getting close.

I've been inspired by the One Dress Protest to make this, although I haven't decided on my participation in the June experiment.  Still, I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, and here is a good excuse.

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